Wear Red For Kenya School Desks!
Hold a fun non-uniform day and wear red at your school this term to raise money for schools in Kenya.
Red is the traditional colour of the Maasai – a semi-nomadic pastoralist tribe in Kenya. Your school can join in with this exciting fundraising initiative, teach your children about the Maasai with our outstanding resources, and run a non-uniform day where your children come into school wearing at least one item of red clothing during the summer term to show their support for children learning in Kenya.
Many schools in Kenya lack some basic facilities we often take for granted, including having a desk for every child to work at. Money raised from your school’s non-uniform day will help Born Free to purchase school desks for children living in Amboseli and Meru in Kenya, enabling them to learn and work comfortably at school, broadening their horizons and setting them up for a positive future.
Education is also vital to reducing human-wildlife conflict and helping young people to grow up caring for the natural environment. With your help, we can ensure that the next generation grows up having the opportunity to pursue careers in wildlife conservation, teaching, healthcare and more, fulfilling their dreams!
All the money donated to this fundraiser will go to the Born Free Foundation, which works directly with schools in Kenya's Meru and Amboseli areas to support education and promote positive coexistence with Kenya’s native wildlife.
Easily donate money from your school’s non-uniform day below.
Thank you so much!
Schools donating just £50 will be providing a desk that seats three Kenyan children!
N.B. If your school would rather donate via a bank transfer or cheque, please contact us.
Learn more about Born Free’s Education Programme here, or email
Any funds raised over and above those needed for desks will go towards supporting Born Free’s wider education work in Kenya, including school maintenance, textbooks, general learning resources and eco club visits to a national park.
Born Free would like to thank artist John Dyer and the Last Chance To Paint Project for their support in this fundraising project.