“Tall Ships are amazing. They not only have the ability to sail the world, many of them still do. When the Tall Ships arrive the world arrives with them. History, culture, travel, people, cargo, plants, food and more combine together into a carnival atmosphere.” John Dyer.
Artist John Dyer has been appointed as the official artist in residence for Sail Training International three times. In 1998, 2008 and 2014. In 2008 and 2014 he not only exhibited his own paintings at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall but engaged children and schools with the Tall Ships regatta through art.

"John Dyer's painting is entirely entrancing, engrossing. It opens up new worlds."
"The BIG Art & Storytelling Tall Ships Project is charismatic. John Dyer’s new Tall Ships painting, combined with professional storytelling, creates an irresistible hub for creativity to flourish."